
Showing posts from August, 2020

The True Man

 God woke me one night with this simple but profound statement that says "The greatest injustice ever shown to man is in not allowing him to be who God created him to be." We keep asking the question "what does it mean to be a man?, and attribute most our answers to what we have seen a man do. What I have discovered is that the secret to what a man does is tied to what his foundation is built on. If a man only does what we label he should do out of obligation and duty, it won't last, and won't yield the necessary love that is needed to substantiate what he does. I have seen fathers who provided for their families out of duty and at the same time lacked the love and compassion needed to create a healthy and loving environment. The question becomes, what keeps a man grounded? Because if you only do what you do out of obligation and duty you will eventually cave in to the pressure of doing. The key to this dilemma is found in what God spoke to me about the greatest ...

The Mind Of A Man

                                                             We have begun a panel discussion of men at my church to discuss the advantages and or disadvantages of growing up in a home with a father , as well as without having one present. Interestingly it was wonderful to hear young men opening up and discussing the internal emotions they felt over their situations. While some expressed the advantages of having a man in the house as a model of what a man is to be, others used the disadvantages of not having one present as a catalyst to push them to be what they longed for in their own lives. Next they took the opportunity to define in their own words what they thought the definition of a man was; and concluded that it is one who takes full responsibility for his family and his life as a male figure. 
 First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to view my blog. I have been privileged to author two devotionals with the intent of providing words of encouragement for every day living. It is my hope that with this platform we can build a relationship that affords me the opportunity to maybe meet you in a place that my works can be a source of comfort for you. If I may, for beginners I want to introduce to you these works: My website is Email me at or I truly look forward to sharing with you words of encouragement especially during these times of uncertainty.