The Compromised Church
The bible is very clear in 2 Corinthians 6:17 that the born-again believer, those who say that they are a child of God, are to live in a manner that gives a clear distinction between clean and unclean, and holy and unholy. God says in that verse that we are to come out from among them; them being the world, and live a life which displays the conduct, character, and behavior that mirrors His nature spelled out in His Word. We are to be separate from the things and ways of the world. The word "separate" in that text means to make a clean break from sinful habits. Failing to adhere to these instructions have caused the church to become compromised because we have made sin acceptable, and are now using the gadgets of the world inside of the church. We are attempting to win the world, that is the lost, by worldly means rather than the sharing, and living of the Gospel. The church is compromised and now void of the power of God.