The Spirit Gives Life
"The spiritual life of the church is in trouble without structure and order." This statement sums up the condition of the universal church today. No longer is there a desire to walk in the holy and righteous requires of God's Word. Today's church has begun to resemble a sports bar or some social gathering spot. The Holy Spirit is no longer the center of attraction, but there is a following of some new form of worship that models a concert where everyone has come to perform their self proclaimed gifts and talents. The sacredness of assembling in a place to worship God seems to have been lost in all the humanism. Unbeknown to the ones who are caught up in all this behavior, the Spirit has left the building. God does not, and will not, dwell in a place where He is not reverenced. The ways of the world have crept into the church, and it has lost its effective to do what God intended it to do for His people. No longer is the church a refuge for hurting people to come and have their needs met, but it is now a place where you can come and be emotionally stirred only to leave and return to the same oppressed life. The prosperity message has flooded the house of God today without any instruction on how we are to live a life that God would want to bless. There is no ministering of the truth of God's Word to bring about conviction because of the fear of losing members. Conviction and comfort cannot live on the same block. Therefore, the Word of God has gone cold in the hearts of the people and churches are not preaching the whole gospel of Jesus Christ because they do not want to offend anyone and have their numbers decrease. But if there is no presence of the Spirit, death is inevitable. Remember the words of Proverbs 14:12 where it says, "There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." The only thing that gives life to this institution called the church is the Spirit. The structure and order of the church is being lost in this new age philosophy and redefining of the church which only satisfies the flesh but does nothing to enhance the spiritual life of the church.
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