
The Compromised Church

 The bible is very clear in 2 Corinthians 6:17 that the born-again believer, those who say that they are a child of God, are to live in a manner that gives a clear distinction between clean and unclean, and holy and unholy. God says in that verse that we are to come out from among them; them being the world, and live a life which displays the conduct, character, and behavior that mirrors His nature spelled out in His Word. We are to be separate from the things and ways of the world. The word "separate" in that text means to make a clean break from sinful habits. Failing to adhere to these instructions have caused the church to become compromised because we have made sin acceptable, and are now using the gadgets of the world inside of the church. We are attempting to win the world, that is the lost, by worldly means rather than the sharing, and living of the Gospel. The church is compromised and now void of the power of God.  

The Virtual Church

We have to come to grip with the fact that even after this global pandemic has ended that some people will not come back to the physical building to gather for worship. Although the determining factor for these individual will vary, we must make the adjustment to continue to have, and perfect the virtual church. This is the new way of worship, and just because an individual has chosen to not come to the building does not mean they have left, just that they are in a place where they have become comfortable with being home. You can now have church in your slippers and robe, with a cup of coffee in hand, and of course still continue to pay your tithe and offerings online.  

The Spirit Gives Life

 "The spiritual life of the church is in trouble without structure and order." This statement sums up the condition of the universal church today. No longer is there a desire to walk in the holy and righteous requires of God's Word. Today's church has begun to resemble a sports bar or some social gathering spot. The Holy Spirit is no longer the center of attraction, but there is a following of some new form of worship that models a concert where everyone has come to perform their self proclaimed gifts and talents. The sacredness of assembling in a place to worship God seems to have been lost in all the humanism. Unbeknown to the ones who are caught up in all this behavior, the Spirit has left the building. God does not, and will not, dwell in a place where He is not reverenced. The ways of the world have crept into the church, and it has lost its effective to do what God intended it to do for His people. No longer is the church a refuge for hurting people to come and ...

What Are Your Expectations?

One of the things that I began to notice whenever I would come into a house of worship is how the people interacted with one another. When you look in the gospel you see that whenever the people came into the temple for worship they would immediately be focused on prayer. It appeared that the expectation was to come before God in humility to show honor and reverence for Him because of who He was to them, and they knew that whatever they needed in their life whether peace, joy, or provision, it was available through Him. So their heart was set on worshipping the giver of all things out of a heart of love for the one who is the giver, lover, and sustainer of life. But today we have become so commercial in our gatherings that whenever we enter into our set place of worship it is more of a social gathering. People are not focused on quieting their spirit after the trip to the house of worship, therefore we don't see a posture of prayer, but rather an all out social gathering. It is mor...

Embracing Silence

We as a people who are looking to walk in the path that has been chosen for us must learn to embrace the power of silence. It does not take us very long to learn that if we want to be successful in our endeavors, we must learn to listen to the still small voice within our heart. If you would carefully examine your life you will see that when you are in the greatest need of answers or direction, that you are met with overwhelming activity that comes to disturb your peace, which in turn will disrupt the power of silence you need to receive from God. There is a place in the bible that says "in quietness and confidence shall be your strength." Embracing silence will cause you to hear with your inner ears the things that will propel you into your destiny because of the confidence you have in what you have heard, which gives you the strength to press your way through whatever attempts to hinder your progress in life. Just be still and embrace the silence. Let me hear your thoughts,...

Know Your Identity 2


Why We Do What We Do

We are living in a interesting time with this global pandemic and the impact that it has had on the body of Christ. In the midst of all this there is one thing that stands above all, and that is the bible says that if we are in Christ and He is in us, than in "Him we live and move and have our being". Simply put we as believers of God should be in relationship with God. Everything about who we are, and what we do, should be about our relationship with God. There is a question that I am asking now; does it appear that the men and women of God are struggling to share the Word of God with their congregations during this pandemic while the church buildings are closed. Here is the statement that gives a clear revelation on what is happening now: "Doing ministry is not my relationship with God." God saves us for relationship with Him, and doing ministry is a by-product of that relationship. Could the struggle for most Christians during this time be that they had given pri...